Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Income Inequality Oath

The Income Inequality Oath: First, Do No Harm by Chuck Sheketoff was reposted to the blog of Oregon Center for Public Policy reminds the reader that governments national and local should NOT enact policies that will exacerbate inequality.

Pertinent to Oregon's situation:

The post was originally published on on July 31, 2014 and could be found at

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Helot nations

imagine this version of post civil war southern  reconstruction
an actual partition into two entities

a black belt and a white Dixie

much like the partitio9n of the holy lands in 1948

now imagine subsequent dual  evolution

ya ya ya
I get the sense we'd end up where the holy lands are  now

Zionist state centered jewish nation
an uber nation
 and an oppressed dispersed  Palestinian nation
a helot nation

is the black nation here in north America post slavery
all that different from the  post partition Palestinian nation ?

how about Chicanos

not to mention the so called "tribal"  nations

we have inter national inequalities here

us uber national "whites"

mustn't forget  these points of  "contradiction"

the helot nations within America
are a strong if diverse set of bases
necessary in forming a pro equality grand coalition

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Lack of Access Promotes Inequality - Western Nebraska Report

Profitable farming in Western Nebraska, and I imagine in many other parts of the United States of America, requires access to resources (land, water, nearby roads et cetera) and significant amounts of capital (to purchase seed, fertilizers and pesticides, own and maintain expensive equipment and hire other individuals, with or without expensive equipment, to work the fields). To the outsider farming appears to be a risky speculative business. For the uninformed, inexperienced and foolish, profitable farming is a risky speculative business.
  • Big Ag aka Big Agriculture is a growing and ongoing success in the USA with the Big Ag methods exported abroad.
  • - Intensive Crop Farming
  • - Union of Concerned Scientists: Hidden Cost of Industrial Agriculture
  • - Industrial Livestock Production

    Lack of Access Promotes Inequality:
    As of August 2014, the price of land is at a record high. Uncertain growth of the USA economy with the peculiar on-going government accounting practices suggesting inflation is under control, tells savvy investors and farmer/ranchers that the ownership of land, large parcels of land, is a safe investment producing product that government(s) and corporations (and eventually consumers) will buy. Therefore there are three classes of farmer/ranchers here:
  • Large land owner operators, like my father-in-law Frank Svoboda, who have several circles of land with center pivot irrigation and/or many sections of dry land suitable for either crop production or grazing, 1 mile x 1 mile, section defined. These large land owner operators have access to the banks and vendors to secure easy terms for their large operation capital needs and often own their own land.
  • Middle class farmer/ranchers may own or rent a small parcel of land, such as a 1/2 section. These individuals often work several jobs: a little time spent working their own ground, much more time spent working the ground of large land owner operators or taking jobs in the cattle feed lots, newly constructed ethanol manufacturing facilities or nearby towns.
  • There are no low-income farmers in Western Nebraska.
  • However, there are low-income ranchers whose condition will never change as their agricultural practice is not respected nor supported by the profit takers. Rancher testifies to the need for Medicaid expansion : Politics
    Lincoln Journal Star
    Dec 18, 2013 - "This is not just my personal story, it's western Nebraska's personal story," ... With a $10,100 adjusted gross income, she is too poor to qualify for ...

    - Steve Bull, August 24, 2014

    I am in Western Nebraska. I have two sections of dry land in agricultural production: one half section is organic and produces crops of millet, wheat, field peas and sunflowers, and the other half section is chemically supported "normal" practice and produces field peas, wheat and corn. Last year was a drought year. This year there has been rain and no hail on my crops.