Neil Talbot
Neil is an economic consultant in New York City who for years has helped states around the country regulate electric utilities. With all the “restructuring” going on in recent decades, he has warned about the perils of deregulating utility monopolies and allowing them to become UNregulated monopolies.
He got into economics when he tried to read John Maynard Keynes’s “General Theory,” couldn’t understand a word of it, and decided it was so important that he’d just have to become an economist. So he went back to school, taking a degree in economics at Cambridge University in England. More recently, as the financial sector became increasingly dominant in the economy, he took a finance degree at Boston University.
Sam Talbot
Sam works in the foodservice industry in New York City. His experiences over the years, including starting up and running his own foodservice business, have given him a firsthand view of the exploitation inherent in our current model of economic growth. Restaurant work has been – along with retail sales – one of the industries driving the economic recovery, but it is also an industry which keeps the majority who participate in it in poverty or near-poverty.
With these experiences as a guide, he has been searching for ways to build the labor movement in the service sector. He is a proud member of Unite Here Local 100, a foodservice union in NY/NJ, and the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY), a restaurant worker center and advocacy organization. He is also Neil’s son.
Steve Bull
Steve is a mixed-media technology artist and entrepreneur whose practice includes extensive software engineering experience. For the last ten years he has created location-specific narratives and games that explore the social, technological, and creative possibilities of cell phones. Although Steve is a native New Yorker, he partners with dry land farmers in Western Nebraska providing a ½ section of land in certified organic cultivation and raising a small herd of cattle on the margins of that land. Steve is a long time member of the Director's Guild of America.