"The struggle about money-wages primarily affects the distribution of
the aggregate real wage between different labour-groups, and not its average
amount per unit of employment, which depends, as we shall see, on a different
set of forces."
keynes (GT)
those different forces ?
effective demand for newly produced output
the wage share in total net income depends on demand for laboring hours
the last time we saw this share improve bill clinton was not having sexual relations
and alan the green was allowing UE to fall below the consensus estimated NAIRU
(the lowest non inflation accelerating rate of unemployment )
ie if the system goes below that taboo line
and the rate of UE gets low enough
job market forces may touch off
a speed up in wage rate gains
------------- yes the wage push spiral gets introduced here but we haven't had one of those since juimy carter's peanut smile turned off a nation
today our system is too open to trigger a spiral with profiteers fleeing rising wages
and squoozen margins by lifting prices on and on up and up
but all this is a diffrent post ...no ? -----
at any rate
yes normal FED practice since the reagan morning in amerika
was and is :
cut back on usury fueled effective demand (aka the punch bowl)
and presto chango
the fed can induce a cooling off in job markets
and a consequent rapid dampening of any building
wage gain wave
unions prolly benefit the class share
mostly by political action to enforce highest possible levels of employment
of course political strikes are often more effective then public demonstrations
okay strenghening the so called safety net or social transfer system helps too
in as much as unemployment or non employment leaves a household with enough "income" to hold out for a decent offer and or simply sit out the slow down instead of clawing at the warehouse gates
" The effect of combination on the part of a group of workers is to protect their relative real wage. The general level of real wages depends on the other forces of the economic system"
keynes (GT)
now interestingly this same clintonian-greenspan miracle interval
saw the relative wage share in total job compensation decline
here is where unions for our tens of millions of unorganized service and commercial workers comes in !
service and commercial unions could raise the moderate wage earners share of total employment income
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