Tuesday, October 2, 2012

why do the palefaced native yahoos vote for more inequality ?

down scaling white values voters "...poll more like Iranians or Nigerians than Europeans or Canadians on questions of evolution versus creationism, scriptural inerrancy, the existence of angels and demons, and so forth, that result is due to the rise of the religious right, its insertion into the public sphere by the Republican Party and the consequent normalizing of formerly reactionary or quaint beliefs. Also around us is a prevailing anti-intellectualism and hostility to science; it is this group that defines "low-information voter" - or, perhaps, "misinformation voter."

that is one of the great "products" of thirty five years of relentless " mass program-ing "

easily countered by FDR style politics
but the Dems since 76 have  prefered their own brand of values politics
it works better with  the public objectives of their donor base

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