Saturday, July 7, 2012

absolute needs and relative needs

the list of both  need types
          changes with time and innovation
                              and alas both grow longer too ..  yes both
"new necessary needs"
is not a self-confounding expression

famously keynes had "absolute " needs in mind
                             when he wrote the following  :

"For at least another hundred years
  we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone
that fair is foul and foul is fair;
for foul is useful and fair is not.
    Avarice and usury and precaution
             must be our gods for a little longer still"

and we can  say in some sense
       as he predicted  in 1930
we first worlders from today's first class nations
  can" imagine"  a mass "sated "  class
                                                 quite easily in fact

ahh  if  only  all we needed  to feel
   we no longer  pursue  "happiness "
but  have  caught it
  well   if not happiness herself
    at least  a sufficient  material basis for happiness
she is cornered and we have an unencumbered  life time
                                 to wrestle her to the ground

but these keynes needs these absolute needs are only half the deal

   clearly " relative needs ...needs that arise thru "comparison "
of whats in your pile andwhats in mine is by construction
 a pursuit without end

the groaning board of status potlatch is ever with us

Rouseau needs lets call em
 the nasty  spurs  goading on
                      our tender amour propre

its not a paradox really
that  these  stinging relative needs
          become even more important as social  inequality rises

the taunts of the conspicuously superior
                                                      are ever thrown  in our faces
and we can't brush it off as absurd ..not all of it
there is always an inequality that finds and cuts the under belly
these past 30 years or so
 not only do we have the reality of growing inequality
   our mass culture   can't stop
                       showering  us  groundlings  with it

golden showers in fact
 and itsproduced all of it
          just  for you mr and mrs loser

the top dogs may swan about for each other

but the media by mounting it  and broadcasting it 24/7
                                                                      at all  us weebles 

                                   its   like  poodles peeing on fire hydrants

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