Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dagree premia

"Back in the 1970s, Americans who’d attended college but didn’t receive a degree earned about 15% more than those with just a high school diploma. For college graduates, the wage premium was about 40%. Three decades later, the premium for college graduates has shot up to more than 80%. For those with just “some college” (but no degree), the premium has stayed relatively stagnant, rising to just about 20%. That “college graduates” category is still pretty broad, though, so Mr. James takes the next step, splitting out those with advanced degrees. For workers with just a bachelor’s degree, the wage premium over high-school graduates has risen from a bit over 30% in 1977 to more than 60% in 2010. But interestingly, the premium hasn’t grown significantly over the past decade. These days, really getting ahead requires an advanced degree, which boosts earnings some 30% versus having a bachelor’s degree (and by a whopping 120% versus having just a high school diploma)."

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