Tuesday, October 2, 2012

if the GOP sweeps the board this november ...a recent exchange

 "Rights cannot be protected except by the exercise of power. How do
> you purpose that the people exercise power. A democracy means the
> people in arms, so the above groups will be able to protect
> themselves. In any case a democracy necessarily needs a democratic
> media. All current states have oligarchic media, who engage in hate
> campaigns. Thus the need for the left to agitate for democratic
> media,which necessarily cannot be capitalist."
> It would be unkind to parse that into shreds, because I think he means
> well, but I do know something about group protection and exercises of
> power. That's what it comes down, always. There comes a point in the
> process where everyone but the groups in direct conflict just wants
> the conflict to stop and they no longer care all that much about the
> rights and wrongs of the affair."


op responds :

in other words

"justice and fairness no longer motivate people to live with the disruptions.."

i think of any protracted struggle between union labor and corporate management

that spreads wildly  and widely in waves
 from industry to industry region to region

if there is stalemate
at some point
the moment  of  "popular turn off  "comes

and then ...yikes

examples ?

 and 1946 america

or late 70's britain

'the...poor ass hole ' phase
  turns into the ' everyone buts'  revulsion

   mass opinion
  " no longer care all that much about the
rights and wrongs of the affair."

they just want it over

and given the bourgeois hegemony
---hell its "their" state and their media--

when the bulk of the uninvolved "people "
hit the reset button
the deeply embedded class tilt of the system
  works against the unions

a deep  spontaneous popular reaction gets effectively translated into a  surface reaction...
against the side that can be stomped
within the confines of the existing institutional arrangement

ie dah unions

the media abets the reactionary route to stablizing the class system
by shifting the weight of the mittel stand against the unions

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