forget about incentives to "invest"
contemporary advanced societies have more then too much spontaneous
aggregate accumulation already hence the need for so much usury
but how about incentives to be more productive ?
can taxes reduce the supply of time and effort ?
read the link
couple money points:
"for the same amount of cost, a program that requires work will indeed lead to more work than one that does not. "
"EITC and welfare reform have done better on the work front than did AFDC. "
need for reforms
" Combined effective marginal tax rates from dozens or hundreds of phase-outs can be very high and certainly lead to hidden and confusing government."
" The rates are especially high for low-to-moderate income households with children and include hundreds of billions of dollars of marriage penalties as well. "
"These high tax rates also extend into many middle-income programs as well. "
" (a) seeking broad-based social welfare reform rather than adopting programs one-by-one with multiple phase-outs,
(b) starting to emphasize opportunity and education over adequacy and consumption;
(c) putting tax rates directly in the tax code to replace implicit tax rates,
(d) making work an even stronger requirement for receipt of various benefits
(e) adopting a maximum marginal tax rate for programs combined,
(f) letting child benefits go with the child and wage subsidies go with low-income workers rather than combining the two. "
a look at the total tax and transfer system's income profile
--get an f ing mag-glass ---
some utterly off the cuff remarks unrelated to the paper:
why might a diabolic system
have two plans
tax cuts at the margin like your high flyers get in reaganomics
for the lower orders of wagelings higher taxes
the jaw bone of an ass
right across the back side
think of two forces inside one jobbler/producers head
one force wants more market stuff
the other force wants more leisure
job hours offered are the outcome of this tussle of forces
now imagine the survival level is about your earning max potential
cut your take home wage and you either don't have enough
or you work more hours...right ?
nothing will stop you from trying to get enough hours to survive
ya its like being under water
no matter how much harder it may get to keep going higher and higher
you'll do it till you surface
these critters can really be wacked to hell...and have been
however imagine you are easily surviving
and suddenly you get a raise per hour
you might reduce your life time job hour plans eh ?
take a bit more leisure
that second force has cut in here
so again taxing your ass off will induce more offered hours
so when do we get to the point where lowering hourly rates might
reduce hours offered ?
when you got so much task related income
every increase gets off set at least in part
by offering less hours
my guess this never happens to our "high market achievers"
but according to reaganomics it does
reagan himslef claimed he'd of taken more roles
in his hay days past
if back then his marginal tax rate hadn't been so damn high
how his eagerness to work more
could produce more roles to play in aggreaget instead of simply seeing the availible roles more hogger by the lucky/gifted few
is left undiscovered i might add
but that's another thread
but hey we hit another poser
what if we change not the average tax but the tax on additional job or task income
now rethink all this two force tussle bull shit
using marginal changes
its this that gets reaganized:
additional hours or higher rates per hour
are compensated at reduced income ?
again look at your underwaters first
they'll still take more hours at least till their heads are above water
in fact they 'll take as many hours as they can get
even at a reduced marginal pay rate
which btw is exactly what happens to lots of souls
now in the income related social transfer payment system
now look at middlers the bulk of the production force
all are likely still looking for more income not more leisure
reaganites at the top ?
well you decide
joe stglitiz contends we oughta have progressive average income taxes
and flatly regressive marginal taxes on job/ task income
more or less pro rated by hours worked
make sense to you ?
i prefer a human capital tax
a tax on wealth in market evaluated
out put potential
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