behold biff reynolds !
looking like a parady of one of his patrons
much like a dog comes to mimic its master i guess
i find it great fun to occasionally note
this notorious slippery eel of a rich man's hack at work
"love ya biff
hows the kidney stones?"
he of the now long since famous
reynolds numbers on the turbulence in the flow of truth
produced by water boarding household income data
read it.. u can get a fine sense of the confessional art
of number racking
you know i read stuff like this about the great out there
and i figure we must have a parallel earth
a bizzaro gold plated earth
with shiny friendly plutonian features
okay its much unlike here
where the face of a plutonian
can pretty much everytime
scares the wits
out of charging He- Bear
take this sardonic clincher from our sincere reporter mr biff
beaming an update to us
from our twin earth ....planet plutonia :
"Perhaps it is time for the CBO to issue a corrected report:"
“The share of income received by the top 1%
fell from 11.8% in 1985 to 11.5% in 2009.”
gotta love that for its understated "right up yer ass" ism
for the anbitious fact moles among u
here's the eclairlike " back bone " to reynolds latest shimmy dancer :
prologue begins:
" The U.S. economy has grown considerably over the past three decades. However, there is a prevailing sentiment that the middle class and the poor have been left behind"
can you guess where this unvarnished enquiry into the hard facts
is headed brothers and sisters ?
to refute all the stuff like this
churned out by our nation's donated tax exempt
dollar mill stink tanks
would indeed daunt the stoutest sewer voyageurs
among us pinkos
to effectively
tit for tat
battle every " issue paper " produced
by these cork screw outfits ..yikes !
what with their non stop
pay out of seriously good money
to literally hundreds and tens of hundreds
of these eager scurrying thousand legged
hack-cademy scholar-creepees .....
why my lord
that would require
a full time staff of prolly 100 furiously scribbling beta level red angels
not really worth the effort for us mortal slobs eh ?
better we just continue to produce "our own " plain fact sheets instead
sure we need to perpetrate an occasional
symbolic demolishment
u know an atrocity of sorts
on one or two of the leading figures
among all these plutonian singing insects and fact barbers
but no more then that
come to think of it
our hero
mr peeevey reynolds here
wouldn't be such a bad choice for a personal scrub down now would he
--a nice link to a review of his many past efforts
exposed in livid detailed colors
would be handy to have at one's unblushing pink finger tips---
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